The Historical Society
of East Hartford
Become a Member
Membership in the Historical Society of East Hartford is open to anyone who is interested in the history of East Hartford.
Joining the Historical Society and paying the yearly dues helps us maintain and show East Hartford's Makens Bemont House (Huguenot House), Goodwin Schoolhouse and Burnham Blacksmith Shop. Dues also defray the costs of some programs to our members and the public, support our newsletter, and continue the good work we do to preserve East Hartford history. For more information, see What We Do.
Membership fees are due annually in September. They offer membership for one year from September 1 through August 31.
The fees for membership are:
$20.00 for an individual
$25.00 for all living at one residence
$10.00 student
$50.00 patron
$250.00 lifetime
To obtain membership
· Print and fill out either the linked PDF form or MS Word form. Mail the completed form along with your dues to the Society at the address below.
· Mail us a note with your name, address, phone number, email address, along with your dues. Indicate whether you would like to receive the Society's Newsletter that is usually published 5 times a year. Mail your request to the Society at the address below.
Historical Society of East Hartford *
PO Box 380166
East Hartford, CT 06138-0166
* This is the only mail address at which the HSEH receives mail. There is no mail delivery to the historic houses.
Questions? Call us at 860-568-8342, and leave a message. We will return your call within a few days.
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