The Historical Society
of East Hartford
The HSEH Newsletter is usually printed 5 times during each Historical Society year - about the beginning of September, November, January, March, and May.
Below is a list our most recent list of Newsletters and highlights of each issue. Each newsletter starts with a Message from the Society's President. September issues include the nominations for officers and directors. Click on the corresponding PDF icons to read the full newsletters.
All newsletters are in pdf format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. If you need this Reader, you can download a free copy and install it on your computer.
January 2025
November 2024
September 2024
May 2024
* President Johnson: Recap of Town Holiday Fest. Finally a new roof on the one-room schoolhouse.
* Ruthie Brown: White Elephant Sale and other events being planned.
* A little history about some families connected to the Huguenot House, which is in need of repairs. See photo in the newsletter!
* Mysterious 1720 sales receipt to William Pitkin Jr., and why is there a street named Silver Lane?
* President Johnson: HSEH's participation in East Hartford's upcoming Holiday Fest. New website built but awaiting to pass legal hurdles.
* "Before Salem" Presentation, at the Raymond Library, CT witchcraft trials.
* An early 20th century "Christmas Carol" poem written by an unknown service member, about being stationed somewhere during before the holidays.
* Ruthie Brown: Some election and tax facts from the late 1800s, as discovered in the documents from our Dowd Collection.
* President Johnson: HSEH Recent Accomplishments and Plans
* HSEH 60th Anniversary gathering with refreshments and tours
* New donation : wooden canoe with paddles
* Dowd, Mather, and Williams Descendents' Reunion held at Brewer House
* Antique Camera exhibit coming to Brewer House
* Autumn Tea to be held at Brewer House
* President Johnson: Upcoming HSEH and East Hartford Events
* Looking for volunteers
* New donation: Kirbell family genealogy with ties to Forbes, Hills, and other prominent local historical families
* Springtime advice from 1863 "The Lady's Book and Magazine"
* Information on becoming a member of the HSEH
March 2024
* President Johnson: HSEH's upcoming 60th anniversary and event
* Info from Committee for the Recording and Organization of the Society Collections
* New acquisition: Deed to property purchased by a David Little (a tavern keeper), that had been previously owned by Richard Risley (a Hartford founder)
* Ruth S. Brown: For Women's History Month: Recognition of some women of East Hartford who advocated for women's rights, including the right to vote.
* HSEH sites will participate CT's annual Open House Day On Saturday., June 8.
January 2024
* President Johnson: Happy New Year message. Visiting HSEH museums during the winter months.
* Looking for someone to identify the house or family in some old photos.
* Alan Brewer: chair and footstool, in the Brewer Family for 163 years, has been beautifully reupholstered, and is back on display. Thanks to the Custom Shop of Glastonbury, and to Alan's wife.
* Back in Time - Old Burnside Avenue. A brief history about the street.
No Newsletters were published in May 2023 and September 2023.
March 2023
* President Strange: HSEH Recent Accomplishments and Plans
* C Johnson: HSEH Business Meeting Wed Mar 15, 2pm at Brewer House; no Program
* C Johnson: More on Grants from CT Humanities
* "Looking Back with Susan (Barlow)" Feb 1945 Bergren Dairy ad
* C Johnson: New Donation - 1813 Goodwin Tavern sign
* Mar 19 Program: "New Finds & Highlights from the HSEH Collection" with Ruth Shapleigh-Brown, 3pm, Raymond Library; no Business
January 2023
* President Strange: HSEH Recent Accomplishments and Plans
* C Johnson updates on minor damage to Bemont House, roof repair on Goodwin Schoolhouse
* EH Nadeau Family Photos Offered to Huguenot (Bemont) House
* Items from Htfd Courant "Looking Back" to Aug 4 1939, Susan Barlow
* Jan 18 program Battle of the Bulge with Aaron Elson, 1pm, Brewer House
HSEH members receive the Newsletter before it is added to the website.
If you would like to become a member, please call us at 860-568-8342.
If no answer, please, leave a message.
We will return your phone call within a few days.